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الرئيسية » meaning of the words الصف_11

meaning of the words الصف_11 2024.

خليجيةخليجيةhi evry one
i have the means of the GREEN words in page 17
axis: line round which a turning object spins or the imagenary line joining the north and south poles through the center.
brain:the mass of soft , grey matterin the head or the center of the nervous system of sensation and thought.
forget:fail to keep in memory -fail to re call
hightlight:give prominence
horizantol: parallel to the horizon flat or level

illustration: power of the mind to imagine

loss: loing or being lost -act or fact of losing or having lost sth.
memory: power of keeping the fact in the conscious mind and of being able to call them back
reaction:action or state resulting from the responce to sth esp
regulary:in a regular manner
remember:keep in the memory – call back to mind the memory of.
review:consider or examine again -go over again in the mind
revise:reconsider read carefully through esp in order to correct and improve
summury :brief -giving the chief points only
term:fixed or limited priod of time
vertical: (of the line or plane) at a right angle vertebrae to the earth’s surface or to another line or plane

i hope u will get usefull of that
wish u luck
study hard and go to sleep early

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