مساعدة للصف العاشر 2024.

ممكن تساعدوني في حل تمارين صفحة 79 و 80 و 81 و 82 و 83 و 84 من كتاب النشاط الله يخليكم ابا الرد اليوم …خليجية
بليز ردو علي محتاجة الاجوبة اليوم …
يلا عاد ساعدوني
أنا محتاجة لمن يساعدني وين طلاب أول ثانوي ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ ؟؟؟؟؟؟
؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!؟؟؟؟؟!؟!؟!؟؟!؟!؟!؟؟!؟!
يلا ساعددوني و الله محتاجة
أريد نشاط ص6
;كتاب النشاط يعني الوركبوك

تقرير بسرعه عن الامارات للصف العاشر 2024.

بليز تقرير عن لاامارات
ابي ردوددكم بسرعهخليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية خليجية
محد عنده اذا عندك عطني

خلنا على الفيستيفال واايد احسن ^^

اللهم وفق واحفظ من دخل على هذا الموضوع 2024.

بليز ساعدوني ابا تقرير او بحث جاهز كااامل عن دبي بليييز ساعدوني بلييز خليجية خليجية
لا تنسووني بلييز

ممكن تقرير كامل فيه المقدمة والموضوع والخاتمة للفصل الدراسي الثاني للصف العاشر 2024.

ممكن تقرييير….

باقي اسبوع عـ التسليم…

ابيه عن اي موضوع في الفصل الدراسي الثاني


اه والله انا عضو جديد و بدي البحث الله يخليك
English report

عندي هذا البحث
One Thousand and One Nights "a legendary magician, beautiful and full of anecdotal incidents bizarre and interesting stories and exotic adventures .
World go reader vehicle of the spiritual journey of the most beautiful trips enjoy the psychological end of which fascinated, Majoma images of beauty and remarkable events overlapping and sometimes spontaneous narrative, an addition, the completion of a huge literary ability Westerners Fterjmoh to the language, and it brilliant their study and analysis .
Even turned into nights inspired many artists to germinate imagination to creativity, levied tribute in
their novels, drama and poetry, and others .
((Thousand and One Nights)) was one of the most popular works in the Arab reader in the happy times immemorial, and while they were not widespread and has left, and without doubt, impact in the hearts of people, because wisdom has been in the Assembly and the wisdom of some intellectuals, and because The news was still in their news, the names are the names of persons avoided in their families, and some templates in her speech templates, ((Thousand and One Nights)) from the diverse methods of approach and expression, and enough to demonstrate widespread Thousand and One Nights, the rush to publish the first Arab presses in Calcutta, Cairo, Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut, and they are still students in modern publishing houses, and then the earlier Arab literature, quoting the languages Franks, knew it for more than a hundred years several translations including: French and English, was the first to the West Almtalat on the east.
That the earlier notice to the minds of the reader before reading matter Thousand and One Nights or after that posed by the hand, to know: Who is the author of the book? At no time situation? How do I give him his name? What is the biography of the book? Where is the template by casting it? What is the truth Thousand and One Nights?
Answer many of these questions, we recommend reading this report closely provides everything you need, and everything I ask him not to bore you, but sensed the beauty of words.
Suffice it for me, I trust in God before the start racing please God that helps to put the best and the fullest picture .


Author’s book One Thousand and One Nights:
Not for this book writer, or did not know of the book One Thousand and One Nights Writer certain attributes assertive him, he is in a way what it is many writings in the world, defies scientific opinion in the health related, and contrast in the fact there are some who attribute them masterpieces global Khomaiors and Shakespeare.
Also puzzled investigators in the appointment of the nationality of the author Thousand and One Nights, and you have one or more than one?
Gives them that the book Arabic, in that they have to say what Muhammad ibn Ishaq Aljhishiari began in Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abdos Aljhishiari Minister author of the book authored a book chosen by A. Samar Ismar of Arabs and Arabs and Roman and others, all part of a stand-alone, not otherwise, and brought Almsamaren He went their best and they know well, and selected books classified Alasmar and myths are fond of himself, as if nothing, gathered from the four hundred and eighty night to night, every night Samar fully contains fifty, paper, and less and more, and then Aajlth away before met in the same Taatmimh A. Samar, and I saw that several parts hung brother Abu Al-Shafei.

v What Thousand and One Nights? Once emerged?
Are Thousand and One Nights important sources of study habits and traditions in Eastern time immemorial, a group of the People’s interesting stories gathered from the parties to the Middle old, continued popular stories alive through Turathiat Indian and Arab levied tribute first book in Arabic in the year 330 AH 940 AD . The first translation of these stories to the Western heritage was at the hands of the French Orientalist Antoine Galan in the year 1704 and features translations in English are translated Edward William Lane in the year 1840, and the translation of Sir Richard Burton in 1885.We read books in Arabic, Chinese sailors from the Arabs who moved to remote locations unnervingly, and there are trips to real men like Solomon traders who toured in China, India and countries in Southeast Asia.
advantages Thousandv and One Nights:
Stories marked Thousand and One Nights in between classical and vernacular, punctuated hair made, the most broken inspections in about 1420 cut off, and the entire modern, making the search very difficult in origin. The vested nights substantially and exhausted-author stories, especially children, as a source of inspiration for many of the painters and musicians. Called the country’s western Arabian Nights any nights

v: One Thousand and Nights OR one thousand WOMEN !!
The established facts about the origin, it did not emerge in its current form, but draw in stages and added to it over time, some groups of stories has assets of old Indian known, and some of them taken from the Arabs and news stories relatively recent. The home of these stories, it has proved it represents various environments imagination and realism, and more environments emergence of Iraq, Syria and Egypt.
$Stories in its current form had written in about 1500 AD.
Continued to nights and punish these stories able female landing deep into the heart of man The problem initiating extinguish raging fires of hatred. Intelligently had already smarter (Freud) long centuries, and during the meetings treat myself Update reached Park to tell him his story for him in the open.
Continued (Scheherazade) lists Stories Thousand and One Nights. Even able to harness evil inclination and aggressive when Shaharyar. Balsam is the cure for the disease which Showers of rain that extinguished the fires of madness. Shaharyar and then I get over it Skrth
He said: Allah that this story is the story, a story my story; I was in a state of anger and resentment even Aeidini to tie, and then regained his mind and his heart cleansed And the name to its senses.

Yes, the stories of One Thousand and One Nights is a final declaration on the victory (by women and intelligence and capacity Alhakeih) Ali (tyranny of men and stubbornness and its muscle). The woman was able undefended only tongue and intelligence to deal with through the spirit talk to a man who is sick and hateful frustrating himself, particularly on the female part!

Finally, we do not keep only say that the Thousand and One Nights are only femininity and Eastern message for peace, understanding and (talk) .. I can only say that the stories of One Thousand and One Nights deserves to enter each house to be read by parents and children looking for each of the imagination and beauty and culture.

• Sources:
Book One Thousand and One Nights
The Adventures of Sindbad: Publisher House library Crescent
One Thousand and One Nights – sections (4, 5, 6).

•Introduction (2)
•Topic (3)
v Author’s book One Thousand and One Nights:
v What Thousand and One Nights? Once emerged?
vAdvantages Thousandv and One Nights:
v:One Thousand and Nights OR one thousand WOMEN !!
•Conclusion: (5)
• Sources: (5)

Hope that u enjoy
Thanks for your time and

بليييييييييييييييييييييييييز اذاا تحبووون الله و الرسوول ادخلوو و سااعدوووووووني 2024.

أرييييييييييييييييييييد حل ص 27 دخيييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي ييييييييييييييييييييللللكم حراااااااام في الورك بووك الجدووول بلييييييز خليجية خليجية
سااااااااااعدووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو نيييييي بليييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييي ييييييييييييييييز -.-
وييييينكم ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟
الجدول الي فوق اطلعين الاجوبة من الكتاب الثاني وكاتبين فوق الجدول رقم الصفحة
الي تحت D)
animals, exciting, cruel, fast, riders, 65kps, 90 seconds, rice filed, 50kph, acart, horse, &180, 6p or &0.05
هاي الكلمات الناقصة في القطعة بالترتيب واتمنى اكون ساعدتج
الله يوفقكج ويوفقنا كلنا

منقول من حكاية بلا نهاية

عندج حل ص28 وص29 وص30 وص31 إذا عندج لا تبخلين علي بليسسسس
يرجى ان يكون العنوان مناسب للمضمون حتى لا يتعرض الموضوع للحذف

توزيع درجات الكيمياء للصف العاشر 2024.

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كل عام وأنتم بخير بمناسبة الشهر الفضيل

هذا هو آخر توزيع قررته الوزا رة لمادة الكيمياء :

الشفوي : 10درجات
التحريري 40 درجة فقط !
الواجبات 10 درجات
المشروع العلمي : 20 درجة
الأداء العملي : 20 درجات

وهناك احتمال في ان ورقة امتحان آخر العام ستكون من 100 وليس 80 لأن الأداء العملي لم أفعم ماذا سيفعلون به ..

مع تحياتي : UAE*_^

وين com
أتريا ردودكم يا شطار ّّ
شكراً على المعلومات لأني بصراحة كنت أبا أعرف توزيع الدرجات

السلام عليكم

شي طيب يالله شدوا حيلكم وان شاء الله تيبون علامة كاملة بالمادة وجميع المواد

شكرا لك وموفقين


يوجــد تغيـرات كثيـرة في توزيـع الدرجـات وخـاصـة للمنـاهج الجديــدة

شكــراً لك أخــي الكريـم على التوزيــع

بالتوفيــق للجميـــع

شكرا ً لكم جميعا على المرور
يا مهندسة الشبكة
أنا أطمح أييب درجة كاملة ان شاء الله
ان شاء الله
ان شاء الله
ادعو لي
مشكووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو ر
شكرا لك على هذه الإفادة


توزيع الدرجات صارت اصعب من اول الله يعينه على المنهج بعد

مشكوووووووور على التوزيع ويعطيك العافية اخوي

اذا تبون التوفيق ربعوا هني بدعيلكم للصف العاشر 2024.

بغيت تقرير عن محمد بن راشد بلييز مع المقدمة والخاتمة والموضوع والمصاادر ……..بليييييييييييييييز

هيــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــلـــبme>>> >>>خليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجية

انشاء اللهـ انا عندي واحد بس يباله لمسات وبحطه ان شاء الله
[عادي يا روح بوظبي حطه و نحنا بنعدله


[هي ياريت اتحطه بسرعه لان المس تبيه بسرعه

السلام عليكم

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum

وبالتوفيق لكم


[GRADE="00BFFF 4169E1 00008B 008080 808080"]
يزاج الله خير مهندسة سبكات ع التقرير }–
و بالتوفيـق للجميـع


مشكوووووووووووووورة اختي ع الموضوع
مشكوووووووووووووورة اختي ع الموضوع