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How to write a progress report الصف_11 2024.

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How to write a progress report

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ابا ضروووووووووووري خليجية


Mee 2 wallah


وانا بعد اباه يالله عاد سوولنا سالفة
وانا بعد اباه ضروووووري
ابا التقرير ضروري

شو مافي حد يبا يساعدنا
انا لو اعرف انجليزي لو سويت المشكلة ماعرف ذاك الزود

انشاء الله بحاول اوفر الخطوات زشوية بحوث
اخوي المهم خذ راحتك المهم اتساعدنا في التقرير حتي لو اسبوع الياي
تفضلوا هذا التقرير : ان شاء الله يعجبكم بس أنا ما كتبتة
Draft mosque, Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan .
Mosque Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, said a prominent Islamist in the UAE. The mosque in the city of Abu Dhabi, known locally Sheikh Zayed mosque or the mosque or the great mosque of Sheikh Zayed also great. And the third largest mosque in the world in terms of total area, after the Haram Mosque and Al-Nabawi mosque area of $ 412.22 square metres without a hologram around the lake, one of the top ten mosques in the world in terms of volume of the mosque.
It was the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan – may God have mercy on him – has the building this mosque in 1996 as a monument Islamic consolidate and deepen the Islamic culture, values and concepts of religious tolerance and a center for science Islamic religion. The first prayer was held at the mosque prayers of Eid Al-Adha in the year 1445 Hegira (December 19, 2024), but then not expire at the mosque construction work fully.
And characterized in terms of design there are three major volcanic great main prayer hall and fifty-seven different sizes dome covering the corridors of Foreign Affairs in addition to the main and side entrances.

#progress to date
One of the top ten mosques in the world in terms of volume of the mosque and the Dome of the main mosque is the largest dome in the world, at a height of 83 meters and the internal diameter of 32.8.
#In the future
Several companies working on the project, which stopped a number of companies at different times for several reasons. And the company started its Halkro of American consultant on the project in 2001 and worked with Italian construction company Ambrigglo to end the project.
# final achievements
Its Will be home for worship for Muslims

بس هذا التقرير وايد قصير

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