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cheating . الغش الصف_الثاني_عشر 2024.

  • بواسطة
السلام عليكم و الرحمة
شحالكم اخواني و اخواتي ؟؟
اول موضوع احطه في المنتدى وهو تقرير عن الغش
ان شاء الله تستفيدون منه


Introduction :

There is no doubt that cheating is a bad behavior and a big problem in any society, specially our society.
It occurs all over the world ,every day , in every school.
Cheating occurs when someone does not study for a test or just does not feel like thinking.
Why do students cheat? What can we do to prevent it ? some answers to these questions and much more in this topic.

What exactly is cheating?

Cheating is when a person misleads, deceives, or acts dishonestly on purpose, cheating is Taking or giving answers or information about assignments or tests or any class related work.
At school, in addition to cheating on a test, a student might cheat by stealing someone else’s idea for a science project or by copying a book report off the Internet and turning it in as if it’s his or her original work. Copying someone else’s words or work and saying they’re yours is a type of cheating called plagiarizing .

Why do students cheat?

There are several reasons why students cheat in school and all of them reflect on three factors. The first is pressure to get good grades. The second is being unprepared, and the final is the challenge of trying to get away with it. Unfortunately, by cheating the student is setting a pattern for life. Instead of accepting the challenge of learning they accept the challenge of not getting caught !!

Impact of cheating

Everybody should be taught not to cheat from the school days because the problem is that most of the time it is not a matter of once in a life time. If you are successful the first time, the most probable thing is that you will repeat the act; and if you are doing this very often, it could bring serious consequences in $$$$ the short and the long term.
In the short term, maybe you won’t be caught, and you will get good grades without studying, which sounds fantastic, but you are wasting your time and your money trying to "learn" by cheating. It is not such a good method. In the end, who will be deceived? the teacher or you? Well, I am pretty sure that you will be the only loser. If you get caught, you will be in trouble because you can be expelled from school or the university, or at least you will get a zero (0) on your test and a bad reputation, not only with the teachers, but with the other students as well.
In the long term, there are also big consequences for the cheaters. You may graduate from school or university by cheating, but when you will be asked to use your knowledge in other situations, as for example at work, if you didn’t learn much in the university because you are a cheater, how would you solve problems, give ideas, behave in a meeting or perform in general on your job?
Cheating widely effects others also. Excepting cheating only sends a negative massage to everyone. We are saying that teachers don’t care, and you can get away with it. It shows how low out society has stooped to just get a grade. No matter what the motivation to cheat, the bottom line is that it is wrong. But today, so many do it, teachers have to watch even more carefully, and trust is broken forever. Trust is broken between everyone.


In conclusion, we have faced the problem of cheating. We know it is there. But now the question is: What shall we do about it? That is hard because there are so many dishonest people who do not care in this world. For now, all we can do it tighten down on cheaters. And just don’t let them cheat. If everyone would guard themselves against cheaters, they might give up. Of course that means we can’t cheat off of others. We need to build back up our trust of people, because without trust our world will crumble.

• David Callahan. (2004). The Cheating Culture. Harvest Books.
• Stuart P. Green. (2006). Lying, Cheating, and Stealing: A Moral Theory of White Collar Crime. Oxford University Press.
Steven Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. (2005). Freakonomics A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything. William Morrow/HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-073132-X. [/LEFT

I hope you benfit from it

ثااااااااانكس أختييييييييييييييييييييييييي ومشكووووووووره وايد
يور ولكمو سيس .. ^^
مشكور الله يعطيك العافية
شكراً لك اخي الكريم
ثانكس خييتو
مشكووووور بس مب جنه بحث قصير

مشكووووور بس مب جنه بحث قصير

اللهم اغفر للمسلمين والمسلمات

واجعل كل من في هذا المنتدى محبا لفعل الخير

ومساعدة طلبة العلمي المتوهقين بالبحوث

bgad thnxxxxxxxxxxxx 3ala elthread bta3 elcheating bcoz ana tl3et 3eenin wana bdawar 3ala mawdo3 elcheating da 3al net خليجيةخليجيةخليجية
merci bgad marra tania w rbna ywaf2ko gmee3an
مشكور جزاك الله الف خير
بالتوفيك انشاالله بالسيبا

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