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الرئيسية » Ask me ABOUT any English Word i’ll give u da meaning in English & Arabic الصف_الحادي_عشر

Ask me ABOUT any English Word i’ll give u da meaning in English & Arabic الصف_الحادي_عشر 2024.

Hiya everybody in this beautiful forum ,,, actually i’d like to help all of ya to understand & know any word u’ve got it … i’ll give who ask me the meaning of the word + the definition + the origin in English for sure خليجية …. but if u want the meaning in Arabic i can give it 2 ya

i hope all of ya enjoy my subject by asking me خليجية

C’mon guys & girls im waiting ur beautiful questions

i’ll do my best 2 help all of u



o gosh … where’re the questions ???

ill give u an example of an question

– whats the longest English word ?

the answer is : antidisestablishmentarianism & it means ( rare opposition to the disestablishment of the Chruch of England )

i still waiting all of ya


Nobody wanna ask ??

وين الأسئلة اخواني و اخواتي ؟؟؟

انا بانتطار الأسئلة و انشاءالله ما بقصر بإعطائكم المعاني بالعربي و الإنجليزي + مصدر الكلمة و معانيها خليجية


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