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طلب مساعدة في paragraph essay 2024.

السلام عليكم ور حمة لله و بركاته

شخباركم؟ عساكم بخير ؟

طبعا أنا عضوة جديدة خليجية

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عندي موضوع "paragraph essay" نفس المقال عن دولة الامارات بين الماضي و الحاضر .
و ابي مساعدكم >> اعتبروني أختكم الصغيرة << أرجووووووووكم ، أبي قبل يوم الاثنين

بكون شاكر لكم …..:cry:خليجيةخليجية

ويييينكم ؟؟ محد رد علي؟؟
فديتج اظني توني مريت عليه دوري والله بتحصلين وسهل صدقيني بس انا مخي مشوط ما اقدر ابدع
اسمحيلي فديتج بس موجود
والله يوفقج
مشكورة خيتو بروح أدور الحين…
ما حصلت شي
شو أسوي؟؟؟
اذا حصلت انشااااااااااااء الله راح اساعدج
هل من مجيب؟؟
مافهمت ! يعني تبين الأيساي جاهزه؟
The life style in the UAE between past and present
How is the life style in the UAE? Was life in the past as its now ?What are the similarities and differences in the life style between past and present ?The life style 50 years ago is different now, but there are some things similarities . In this essay I will compare between life style in the UAE between past and present.

First of all, the education between present and past are different in the education . In the past people only studied Holy Quran and some math in alktateb .Also they have only one teacher they could him Almotawea .More over in the past all the teacher men because women not allowed .
Whereas, the education now a days is completely different in the past the student have a big school with many class and many activities room .Also, they study many subjects such as ,Arabic ,History ,Math and English .They have teacher for every subject and number for women who teach more than men. An addition, there are Universities and college after school to complete the education.
Another point is transportation .In the past the people were using the animals such as, camels, horses and donkey to transfer from place to place and they were spending many times to travel. While, in the present they are using develop transportation such as,car,train and plain .Therefore, They travel from country to another one country in 2 hours. For example, when any people travel from UAE to SK in 2 hours .
Another major different is the job.In the past the people didn’t have many opportunity for the job . For example ,they only have two or three jobs they must for them chose one to work .While , in these days there are many jobs and people can chose any job they wont with high salary .
However ,there are some similarities in life style in the UAE between past and present .The major similarity is clothes .The people in the past and present wear similar clothes. For instance, women in the past wear abaya and burga also now a days they wear similar clothes. Another similarity ,the relationship between family and relative the Emiratis people are visiting others and every celebration union in one house.

اتمنى انه يفيدج اختي

اللـــــــــه يوفقـــج الغاليــــــــــــــة

مشكوووووووووووووووووووووووووووووره حيااااااتي وانا كنت ادور علييه

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