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English project الصف الحادي_عشر 2024.

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English project

Good mooring night .. every body

Hour are you

]Wish to be good [

I have English project

And I want from you to help me in this…

The name of Allah.

I want from ole of you to answers this question

Do you think you are a hero ?




مافهمت شي ؟؟!!
حتى اناااااااااا ما فهمت
امم بعدني ما سويت شي عشآن اعتبر عمري hero>>عآد انتي ترجمي بالانجليزي


Unfortunately .. iam not a hero *.^ Coz i dont think that i do any special thing .. But maybe
Some of my friends see me as a hero 4 helping them in some problem faced them
^^ ..
لالالالالا قووولي والله

هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه ويش تقولين الغاليه ثقافتيه فرنسي ما عرف انجليزي ^ــــــــــ*

Yes ,because if any one want to be hero doesn,t mean that he must do impossible things .
he can just help the people if he could. so I am a hero^^
No no one theng him saelf a hero but maeby somtaims
أول شيء السلام عليكم و الرحمه انا قبل ما اقول الي عندي يا ناس ليش ها المصخرة اذا عندكم جواب قولوا اذا ما عندكم ماله داعي لاي تعليق سخيف و استهتار و انا من صوبي بحاول اجاوب على الاسئلة
It’s from me i dont think im hero coz i didn’t mak any special to be a hero the hero is the man who make great thing but fom me im normail guy like the other and if i did that mean im not hero cz what i will do that to help the other and it’s not for me

now i will answer to the other q hmm is are u a god i dont think this is a q coz there is no god just Allah and we all know that no need to that qustion
and my hope is i help u in any thing
and sry for any silly thing i say it ^_^
and by the way u wrote bay its wrong u should write bye what u said mean
(( خليج ))

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