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paragraph للفــصل لثاااني للصف العاشر 2024.

  • بواسطة

[frame="7 10"]Food gives you energy so you should eat healthy foods. There are good habits and bad habits of eating like the following you should eat breakfast even if you are not hunger. You have to eat a variety of foods to be healthy. also ,you should drink two glasses of water after a meal. You must eat snacks between meals. On the other hand, you mustn’t shop when you are hungry. You shouldn’t drink water while you are eating. Also, you shouldn’t starve yourself and you shouldn’t give up food, reduce the amount of food.[/frame]
أطلب منكم الدعاء و لا تنسون ردودكم الجميلة
و التصويت …………………………..

[gdwl] [/gdwl]



من جد وجد و من زرع حصد


مشكووووووووووووووور بس شو اسم البراغراف
مشكووور أخوي ماااا قصــرت …..

أعتقد عن healthy food أو hapits of food

يسلموو ..

صحيح أختي هو عن Healthy food و Do , Desn’t
يستوي على الأثنين و أي شيء آخر خاص بالصحة .

أنشاء الله يعجبكم

[frame="5 80"]
من جد وجد و من زرع حصد

[align=center][tabletext="width:100%;background-image:url(‘https://www.study4uae.com/vb/backgrounds/23.gif’);background-color:white;border:2px ridge green;"][cell="filter:;"][align=center]
اللي يحتاج أي شي ضروري لا يتردد خلي يخبرني
هذااااااااااااااااااا البرغراف مهم يعني نحفظه !!!!
مهم جداً وستحصل على درجة كاملة في ال paragraph
إذا حفظتة……………………………………… …………….
و أنا عندي برجرافات
1- عن how do you spend your free time

We should always spend our free time in doing useful and enjoyable

things . I always practice my hobbies in my spare time . I always read stories and

magazine. Sometimes I listen to music or news on radio . I often go to cinema and

watch English films. I usually go to the beach with friends and practice swimming

and enjoy walking a long sandy beach

الثاني: ويليام شكسبير

William Shakespeare was born on April 23 rd 1564 . h was born in
Stratford in England . he didn’t go to university . he was famous actor
and playwright in English literature . he got married to Ann when he
was 18 years old .He had 3 children . He wrote 35 plays. He wrote
about kings, queens ,comedies and tragedies such as king Lear and
Hamlet .

و الثالث عنeating habits

My name is Ahmad . I am from the U.A.E. I am a student . In the

morning I have my breakfast at 7 am. I always have a cup of tea and a

piece of bread. In the afternoon I have my lunch at 2 pm. I always have

a bowl of rice and glass of water . In the evening I have my dinner at 9

pm I always have a bowl of pasta and piece of cake

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