بليييييييييييز ممكن تساعدوني في حل الاسايمنت
السيv طلب منا writing the definition paragraph في عدة مواضيع اختاروا واحد و كتبولي الموضوع بليييييييز
$Agood job
$An operation or product that is important in the work you do
$A social skill you admire in another person
$ Afamily value you know best
$ A Type of music you love
$ Afood you love that might be unusual or unique
$ what work means to you
$ Discripline or self control
اباه باجر أو اليوم بليل ضروووري
Work means independent. It provides the experiences and money to make me independent. It is my way to show others who I’m. Also, the way of proving to the world what I can do. Works give me opportunity to pay back to people who help me. Moreover, work is the way to make my family and my country prided. My work is the achieving that proves I still alive, so work simply means my life.
هااا الي طلع في راسي سوري ماقدر اكتب برقراف كامل الاسبوع كله متيرمز ^_^ ان شاء الله اكون ساعدتج