اريد بحث عن التعليم في الماضي و الحاضر
وعن طبيعة هذا النوع من التعليم التقليدي فإن أماكن الدراسة كانت عبارة عن مجالس من سعف النخيل، وكان المجلس يضم البنات والأولاد ولكن أغلب الآباء لم يهتموا بالدراسة كونهم انشغلوا في الحلال( أي الإبل والنخيل و….الخ) .
وقد استمر التعليم في المطوع إلى بداية ظهور التطورية حيث تراجع دوره شيئاَ فشيئاً، واختفى من المجتمع بعد ذلك .وقد بدأ مع افتتاح مدرسة القاسمية بالشارقة سنة 1953/1954م وهو أول عام دراسي في سلك التعليم النظامي. ظهر في بداية التعليم الحديث أو الحكومي في الإمارات، وكان تعليماً منظماً في مدارس وفصول ومقررات إلى جانب تقويم الطالب ومنحه شهادة دراسية في نهاية العام الدراسي وتطور التعليم النظامي في الإمارات خلال مرحلتين الأولى كانت تعتمد على الحكومات المحلية ودوائر المعارف التي تأسست خلال الستينيات.
أما الانطلاقة الكبرى للتعليم فقد حدثت منذ الثاني من ديسمبر عام 1971م وهو اليوم الذي أعلن فيه عن قيام دولة الإمارات، فتأسست الوزارات الاتحادية ومنها وزارة التربية والتعليم والشباب التي تولت مسؤولية الإشراف على التعليم في مراحله المختلفة وانتشرت خلال تلك الفترة لمدارس الحكومية المجهزة بأحدث الأجهزة والوسائل وذات الطراز المعماري الراقي، واستقدمت الدولة البعثات التعليمية من مختلف البلدان العربية لتساهم في تطور التعليم الحديث،وهكذا شهدت دولة الإمارات خلال تلك الفترة قفزة كبيرة في مجال التعليم أدى إلى زيادة نسبة المتعلمين من بين أفراد الشعب والقضاء على الأمية، ثم حدث تطور كبير في مجالات وأنواع التعليم ومراحله.
At the beginning of the history of education in the UAE, a person develops himself through self-education, and the acquisition of knowledge simulated and friction, and in a later period appeared that the education practiced by teachers they have the knowledge in the science of science, and so the development of education in the UAE from the traditional style the simple to the other form of education based on the lessons and decisions and regulations. Beginning of education in the UAE was an education (or Koranic schools Mutawa) and this type of education was prevalent long time ago. Has been practiced by a large number of religious police and Almtoat, teachers who are veterans, and there are a number of renowned religious police in that period, such as Ahmed bin Ghanem Al Shamsi, and Suhail Ahmad and Hamad bin Mohammed bin Ali and many others. And adopted the education of these religious police on the Quran and hadith as well as training on writing and calligraphy and knowledge of the pillars of Islam and ablution, and there is the type of advanced education in Al-Mutawa appeared as a result of the different lessons performed by some of the religious police and diversity in some cases as a result of the diversity of culture and breadth of his knowledge and expertise.
On the nature of this type of education, the traditional places of study was a council of palm fronds, and the Council includes girls and boys, but most parents did not care because they are busy in the study for (ie, camels and palm trees and …. etc).
Continued education in Al-Mutawa to the beginning of the emergence of the evolutionary role as it declined gradually, and disappeared from the community after that. Began with the opening of school in Sharjah Qasimiyah year 1953/1954 AD, the first academic year of formal education in the wire. Appeared at the beginning of modern education or government in the UAE, and was educated organized in schools and classes and decisions as well as evaluating the student and give him a certificate course at the end of the school year and the development of formal education in the UAE during the two phases was dependent on local governments and departments of knowledge, which was founded during the sixties.
The launch of the major education has taken place since the second of December 1971, the day he declared for the UAE, Vtasst federal ministries including the Ministry of Education and Youth, which took responsibility for overseeing the education in the various stages and spread over the period for public schools equipped with the latest equipment and methods and with architectural style upscale, and brought in the state educational missions of the various Arab countries to contribute to the development of modern education, and so have seen the UAE during that period a great leap in the field of education has led to increased literacy rate among the people and the eradication of illiteracy, then there was a major development in the areas and types of and levels of education.