the UAE it has an area about 83.000sq km .It lies on the south of the Arabian Gulf and west of Gulf of Oman.It is bordered to the south and east saudi Arabia and to the west with oman. Almost two_third of the land area is desert, the weather is hot and dry in summer and worm and dry in winter. The UAE is rarely in winter months. In the UAE the main industries are oil.Thecapital of UAE is Abu Dhabi
The Qatar it lies on the Arabian Galf from east , the Galf of Bahrain from the west,and the persian Gulf from the north .It has border with Saudia Arabia from west ,square 11521. The area of the Qatar is 800km.It has a population of about thousand,and the density is 241, half of Qatar people live in the capital of Qatar is ALDoha. The highast point Qatar is 120m. The climate of Qatar is desert , the weather is hot and dry in summer and worm and dry in winter .Qatar is rarely in the winter months. In the Qatar the main industries are oil
يعطيج آلف عــآفيه …
ممكن طلب بحث عن الصحراء الصف الثاني عشر اللغة الانجليزي بور بويت
دورة كل ماااحصلت ساااعدوووني ممكن اخوووكم شركة
والله ينجحك
وربي لا هآنج ^^