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بغيت مواضيع عن الفصول الأربعة الصف_الثامن 2024.

  • بواسطة
خليجية السلام عليكم خليجية

بغيت مواضيع عن (( الفصول الأربعة ))


من ((بنت المطر))


Chapters is a division of the annual year depending on the climate, and the year is divided into four chapters in most regions of the world, namely the spring and summer and autumn and winter, and in the tropics there are only two rainy and the dry season

The cause of the chapters is the result of miles driven during the axis of the earth around the sun angle varies fall sunshine on the location of the land between one month and another, followed by different temperatures and weather conditions from month to month

Chapters are reflected in $$$$ hemispheres example, the time when summer in the northern hemisphere winter in the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere because the planes from the sun over the southern half


االمفدمه chaptrs year احب العيناوي
مشكككككككككككككككككككككككككككككككككووووووووووووووو ور ………………………………..

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