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The 7th Scientific Conference for Medical Students in the GCC

This Conference is an annual event which rotates around the GCC Countries. It began at the Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain in 2024 and to date has been held in the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Oman.

The conference is organized by students for students and aims to provide a forum to encourage and facilitate scientific exchange and research collaboration among students in the region and the world.

It is our pleasure to announce that "The 7th Scientific Conference for Medical Students in the GCC Countries" will be held in the Faculty of Medicine, King Abdul Aziz University (KAU), Jeddah City, February 13-16, 2024.

This event will attract Medical and Science undergraduate and post-graduate students from all over the world and will include keynote presentations from renowned international scientists, oral and poster communications, workshops, a scientific exhibition and a variety of exciting social events. (read less)

[ALIGN=CENTER][TABLETEXT="width:70%;"][CELL="filter:;"][ALIGN=left]Dear students and doctors,

It is our pleasure to invite you to Jeddah in the period from the 13th to the 16th of February, 2024 for attending The 7th Scientific Conference for Medical Students in the GCC Countries.

This event had been accepted as a tradition between Medical schools in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries for 6 years. It started in Bahrain, navigated through the Arabian Gulf and berthed in The United Arab Emirates in February 2024. It is the biggest annual scientific gathering for medical students in The GCC countries in which students get the opportunity to share their medical knowledge and concerns.

* The 7th Scientific Conference for Medical Students in the GCC countries will be revolving around certain Medical topics, They include:
1- Osteoporosis.
2- Cancer.
3- Stem Cells.
4- Medical education.
* Oral presentations in any medical field to be presented by students.
* Workshops in several Medical aspects.
Universities will have the chance to demonstrate their activities in their private corners. It will also include separate section for research posters.
Visits to different sights of Jeddah as well as Umrah trip are part of our interesting social programme.

Facilitation and services:
Accommodation, transportation and catering services will be provided for all our respected guests. They are included in the Fees.

* 400 SR until the 30th of November, 600 SR afterwards and 800 SR in case of on-site payments.
* Payment process will be through the official website of the conference.

Registration and abstract submission:
* Registration is available through the official website of the conference.
Deadline of early registration: on the 31st of December.
* Abstract submission will be through the official website of the conference.
Deadline: on the 15th of December.

Official Website:

Welcome to the 7th GCC Conference

Looking forward to meet you in Jeddah![/ALIGN][/CELL][/TABLETEXT][/ALIGN]

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