اذا سمحتو اريد بركراف عن life expectancy بسرعة رجاءءءء في صفحة 39 في الوورك بوك
مي تو بليز
هذا هو :
life expectancy is a tool that gover ments use to predict how long peaple will live in the most developed countries. the average age for a heathy person is 78.the U.A.E has the highest life expectancy in the arap world at the age of 74 for women and 72 for men .it started to rise quickly,abuiosly,the reasons are cleaner houses cleaner homes and cleaner food .at the started of the 21st century, the average is still rising ,but not as quickly as the 20th century. there are many fadors that affect life expectancy like being aver weght,smoking, having drugs and not exercising.i belivethat life exectancy will not rise quickly in the U.A.E because of traffic a ccidents too.
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Life expectancy is the average number of years of life remaining at a given age. Life expectancy is heavily dependent on the criteria used to select the group. In countries with high infant mortality rates, the life expectancy at birth is highly sensitive to the rate of death in the first few years of life. In these cases, another measure such as life expectancy at age 5 (e5) can be used to exclude the effects of infant mortality to reveal the effects of causes of death other than early childhood causes.
شكرا thank you very much
thank u very much