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junk food: LIKE FAST FOODموضوع عن للصف الثاني_عشر 2024.

هاد مساعدة بسيطة للشباب وهو موضوع مهم لأمتحانات السيبا النهائية…..

What is junk food?

What constitutes unhealthy food may be confusing and, according to critics, includes elements of class snobbery and moral judgement. For example, fast food such as hamburgers and french fries supplied by companies such as McDonald’s, KFC and Pizza Hut are often perceived as junk food, whereas the same meals supplied by more up-market outlets such as Pizza Express or Nando’s are not, despite often having the same or worse nutritional $$$$$$$.[1] Other foods such as rice, roast potatoes and bread are not considered junk food despite having limited nutritional $$$$$$$. Similarly, breakfast cereals are often regarded as healthy but may have high levels of sugar, salt and fat.[2] Many critics believe that junk food is not harmful when consumed as part of a balanced diet and some believe that the term should not be used at all.[3]

Hostess TwinkiesShould a child start consuming junk food exclusively, as opposed to having a balanced diet, their intake of high-protein-vitamins-roughage diet would substantially decrease and intake of milk and healthy fruit juices would likely be replaced by soft drinks. This would potentially lead to a deficiency of calcium, since milk is rich in calcium. Calcium deficiency, in turn, results in weakening of bones (osteoporosis).

Some types of chips that are said to be "junk food" may actually be partially beneficial because they may contain polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats. It should also be understood that the detrimental effects of the empty calories may outweigh the benefits of the unsaturated fats. These foods tend to be high in sodium, which may contribute in causing hypertension (high blood pressure) in some people.

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