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الرئيسية » help me in my project pllz

help me in my project pllz 2024.

essalam 3alikum

i want some help from u guyz .. i have project but i really dont know how 2 do it خليجية

I should write a summery report abut 2-4 pagez

coz the chief financial officer of ma Univ. ask our collage “IT” to look into replacing the university’s desktop
computers with notebook computers.

So first of all, i want to know the advantage and disadvantage of notebook computer.

then, companies DELL & HP, find a notebook computer & a desktop computer with comparable middle –of-the-road system units sold buy the company assigned to them. What is the price of each computer? How are they different?

finally, Is the notebook computer the better to buy? If so, why?

wallah abah ‘9roory .. خليجية

i hope u find someone who can help u


السلام عليكم

حبوبة مشروعج وايد سهل وما يباله شي خاصة اذا كنتِ طالبة IT دوري بالنت ورح تحصلين وايد مواقع تفيدج

ولخصيها بالطريقة اللي تحبينها على حسب فهمج للموضوع

حصلت لج هذا Laptop

وان شاء الله يفيدج وبالتوفيق لكِ


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