كان الملك لير ملكا على بريطانيا .. وكانت له ثلاث بنات .. البنت الكبرى .. جونريل متزوجة من دوق البانى .. و البنت الوسطي ريجان متزوجة من دوق كورنول .. أما البنت الصغرى كورديليا فقد كانت غير متزوجة .. وتقدم الى خطبتها كل من ملك فرنسا و دوق برجاندى اللذين كانا موجودين بقصر الملك لير عندما بدأت أحداث تلك المسرحية .
كان الملك لير وقتئذ عجوزا تجاوز الأعوام الثمانين .. وشعر بان الوقت قد حان ليتخفف من أعباء حكم مملكته لذلك قرر أن يقسم المملكة بين بناته الثلاث على ان يتحدد نصيب كل منهن بحسب ما تقوله من كلمات تعبر عن حبها لأبيها ..
وهكذا استدعى الملك لير بناته الثلاث وطلب من كل واحدة منهن ان تعبر عن مدى حبها له ..
ولان البنت الكبرى جونريل كانت على قدر كبير من المكر و الدهاء . و القدرة على تنميق الكلمات فقد قالت أنها تحب أباها بما تعجز الكلمات عن وصفه وان أباها اعز من عينيها وحريتها وحياتها كلها وأعجب الملك لير بكلام ابنته الكبرى فوهبها هي وزوجها دوق البانى ثلث مملكته
وكانت البنت الوسطي ريجان لا تقل عن أختها مكرا و دهاءا .وقدرة على تزويق الكلام فقالت ان كل متع الدنيا لا تقارن بالسعادة التى تحسها بسبب حبها لأبيها .. وأعجب الملك لير بكلام ابنته الوسطي فوهبها وزوجها الدوق كورنول الثلث الثاني من مملكته
وكانت البنت الصغرى كورديليا تدرك مدى الزيف فى كلمات كل من اختيها وتعرف ان كل واحدة منهما قالت كلماتها المنمقة والمزوقة رغبة فى الحصول على اكبر جزء من اموال أبيها .. ولذلك فقد أثرت هي ان يكون حبها لأبيها صامتا وصادقا فى نفس الوقت وقالت أنها تحب أباها طبقا للأصول الواجبة باعتبارها ابنته ..
بهت الملك لير عندما سمع تلك الكلمات الجافة من ابنته الصغرى .. كورديليا فقد توقع ان تكون كلمات هذه الابنة الأثيرة لديه أكثر رقة وأجمل تعبيرا من الكلمات التى قالتها كل من اختيها
وعندما طلب منها الملك ان تهذب حديثها وتختار كلمات أخرى رقيقة وجميلة قالت كورديليا أنها تحب والدها الذي أنجبها وأحسن تربيتها وعلمها الطاعة و الصدق ولذلك فهي لا تستطيع ان تقول مثل اختيها بأنها لا تحب احد غيره فى هذا العالم لان معنى ذلك أنها ستقصر حبها على أبيها وحده ولن تحب أحدا سواه ولو كان زوجها وأبناءها
ولان الملك لير كان عجوزا هرما فقد افقده السن قدرته على التمييز السليم بين الكلام الصادق الذى يخرج من القلب والكلام الزائف الذى قد ينطق به اللسان لذلك فقد اعتقد ان ابنته كورديليا تتكبر عليه فضب غضبا شديدا وقرر ان يحرمها من الحصول على اى جزء من مملكته بل وأعطى الثلث الباقى من المملكة مناصفة بين الاختين جونريل وزجها دوق البانى وريجان وزوجها دوق كورنول
وجمع الملك كل رجال الدولة الذين كانوا موجودين بالقصر وتنازل أمامهم عن تاجه لابنتيه الكبرى و الوسطي كما تنازل لهما عن جميع سلطاته فى الحكم على ان يحتفظ لنفسه فقط بلقب الملك وبحقه فى ان يقيم طوال حياته لمدة شهر بالتناوب فى قصر كل من ابنتيه ومعه مائة من فرسانه
أصيب النبلاء ورجال القصر بدهشة شديدة من تصرف الملك على هذا النحو الخاطىء وغير العاقل وحزنوا كثيرا لمصير الابنة الصغرى كورديليا التى كانت اكثر صدقا من اختيها ومع ذلك فقد كان عليها ان تواجه هذا المصير التعس.. ولكن أحدا من هؤلاء النبلاء لم يستطع ان يعترض على تصرف الملك فلزموا الصمت ولم ينطقوا بكلمة فيما عدا النبيل ايرل كنت الذى كان اكثر النبلاء أخلاصا للملك فقد تجرأ ونطق ببعض كلمات طيبة فى صالح كورديليا فغضب الملك وطلب من ان يسكت والا أمر بإعدامه
لم يهتم ايرل كنت بتهديد الملك فواصل كلامه الطيب فى نصح الملك الذى استشاط غضبا وأمر بطرد ايرل كنت من القصر وبنفيه من البلاد كلها وأعطاه خمسة أيام ليرحل وإذا بقى فى المملكة حتى اليوم السادس فسوف ينفذ فيه حكم الإعدام
أما كورديليا فأصبحت الآن لا تملك سوى نفسها فتراجع دوق برجاندى عن طلب يدها للزواج ولكن ملك فرنسا لمس من تصرف هذه الابنة الطيبة مع أبيها أنها مخلصة وصادقة ومن معدن نفيس طيب لذلك فقد أصر على طلب يدها لتصبح زوجته وتصبح بالتالي ملكة على فرنسا
وودعت كورديليا أباها وأختيها وطلبت منهما ان تكونا رحيمتين بابيهما وان تعاملاه معاملة حسنة وهكذا رحلت كورديليا الى فرنسا وقلبها مفعم بالحزن على أبيها وعلى المصير الذى تتوقعه من جانب اختيها المخادعتين
وبدا الملك لير إقامته لمدة شهر فى قصر ابنته الكبرى جونريل على ان يقيم فى الشهر التالي فى قصر ابنته الوسطي ريجان ثم يعود للإقامة فى قصر جونريل لمدة شهر وهكذا
ولكن وقبل ان ينقضي الشهر الاول الذى قضاه الملك لير فى قصر ابنته الكبرى بدأ يكتشف الفرق الهائل بين الواقع المرير و الوعود الزائفة التى قطعتها الابنة على نفسها حين أعلنت قبول إقامة الملك فى قصرها ومعه فرسانه المائة
لقد ضاقت الابنة الجحودة بابيها وفرسانه بل طلبت من خدم القصر بان يتغافلوا عن تلبية طلباته وان يتظاهروا بعدم سماعه
وكان النبيل ايرل كنت قد قرر البقاء فى بريطانيا متخفيا ليظل فى خدمة مليكه فخلع ملابسه الفاخرة وارتدى ملابس الخدم وانتحل لنفسه اسما جديدا هو كايوس والتحق بخدمة الملك لير ليكون بقربه بصفة دائمة
ولا حظ كايوس ان احد الخدم بإيعاز من جونريل نفسها قد عامل الملك بطريقة خالية من الاحترام الواجب فقام كايوس على الفور بضرب هذا الخادم غير المؤدب وطرحه أرضا وهكذا حاز الخادم كايوس وهو فى الوقت نفسه ايرل كنت المتخفي ثقة الملك لير وحبه
وعلى عادة ملوك هذا الزمان كان الملك يحتفظ بمهرج ليضحكه وكثيرا ما كان هذا المهرج يقول كلمات مرحة يسخر فيها من حماقة الملك حين قسم مملكته الى قسمين اعطاهما لابنتين جاحدتين
وأخيرا جاءت اللحظة التى فهم فيها الملك لير أسباب ودوافع المعاملة السيئة التى كانت تعامله بها ابنته .. فقد أعلنت جونريل بكل وضوح وبكل تذمر أنها لا تطيق أباها الذى أصبح مخرفا ولا تطيق فرسانه المائة الذين يملؤن القصر بالضجيج ولا يفعلون شيئا سوى أكل الطعام كما قالت أنها لا تستطيع تحمل تكاليف كل هؤلاء الفرسان وانه من الأفضل للملك ان يطردهم جميعا وان يحتفظ فقط ببعض كبار السن منهم
صدم الملك لير بعدما سمع هذا الكلام البغيض وأحس بمدى عقوق ابنته جونريل فاخذ يلعنها ويدعو الله ان يحرمها من إنجاب الأطفال او ان تنجب ابنة تذيقها كاس الهوان لتحس بالعذاب الذى يحسه الآباء من عقوق الأبناء لان الابن العاق يسبب الما لوالديه أقسى من لدغة الثعبان
وقرر الملك لير ان يغادر قصر ابنته جونريل ومعه فرسانه ليذهب ويقيم مع ابنته الوسطي ريجان وأرسل خادمه كايوس برسالة الى ابنته يطلب منها فيها ان تستعد لاستقباله
ولكن الابنة جونريل أرسلت رسالة اخرى الى اختها تطلب منها الا تستقبل اباها ومعه كل هؤلاء الفرسان و الأتباع و كان الخادم الذى يحمل هذه الرسالة هو نفسه الخادم الذى ضربه كايوس وطرحه أرضا لذلك فقد ارتاب كايوس فى امر هذا الرسول و امر الرسالة التى يحملها
وذلك حين قابله مصادفة بالقرب من قصر ريجان فوجه اليه كلاما عنيفا اهانه فيه وطلب منه ان يبارزه ولكن الخادم رفض المبارزة فاضطر كايوس الى ان يوسعه ضربا
وصل امر هذا الشجار الذى حدث بين رسول جونريل ورسول الملك الى أسماع ريجان وزوجها دوق كورنول فأمرا على الفور بالقبض على كايوس رسول الملك وشده الى آلة التعذيب الرهيبة
وحين وصل الملك لير وفرسانه الى قصر ريجان وشاهد خادمه كايوس مشدودا الى الة التعذيب امتلاء قلبه بالحزن و الخوف وعندما طلب مقابلة ابنته وزوجها اخبره الخدم بانهما متعبان ولن يستطيعا مقابلته فغضب الملك غضبا شديدا واخذ يصيح صيحات يائسة تعبر عن كل ما كان يشعره من هوان ومرارة
واخيرا جاءت ابنته ريجان لتحيته ولكنها كانت تتابط ذراع اختها جونريل التى كانت قد وصلت لتحريض ريجان ضد ابيها وضد احتفاظه بالفرسان المائة ولذلك فقد تحطم قلب الملك لير وطار صوابه حين رأى ابنتيه العاقتين تتباريان فى القسوة عليه
وهاج وماج ورفع ذراعيه الهزيلتين مهددا ولاعنا وفجأة أظلمت السماء وهبت الرياح وبرق البرق ودوى صوت الرعد فى الافاق وعندئذ كان الملك لير فقد صوابه وأعلن انه يريد الخروج ليواجه أخطار الطبيعة الغاضبة باعتبار ان ذلك أفضل عنده من البقاء تحت سقف واحد مع ابنتيه واندفع خارجا واغلقت الابنتان باب القصر من ورائه
كانت العاصفة تزداد سوءا كلما توغل الملك لير فى الطريق واشتد هطول المطر واشتدت حدة هبوب الرياح وامتدت الأرض الفضاء أمامه كما لو كانت بلا نهاية واخذ الملك يصرخ فى غضب مجنون بأعلى صوته خلال ومضات البرق وأصوات الرعد ويطلب من الرياح ان تشتد اكثر وأكثر لتلقى بالأرض ومن عليها الى داخل البحر أو لتجعل أمواج البحر تعلو وتعلو حتى تغرق الأرض وتطيح بمن عليها من بشر غارقين فى أطماعهم وناكرين للجميل
لم يكن الملك لير وحده فى تلك العاصفة كان معه المهرج الذى اخذ يسخر من الطبيعة ومن الملك نفسه ويطلب منه ان يعود الى ابنتيه ذليلا ليطلب منهما الصفح
وكان النبيل ايرل كنت المتنكر فى هيئة الخادم كايوس قد خرج هو ايضا فى العاصفة ليبحث عن سيده الملك العجوز لينقذه من تلك العاصفة المدمرة وعندما عثر عليه كان الملك فى ذروة صراخه و جنونه وعبثا حاول كايوس ان يقنع الملك بالدخول الى كوخ فقير ليحتمي فيه من غضب الطبيعة الى ان قبل الملك فى النهاية
وبداخل الكوخ شاهد الملك شحاذا فقيرا كان قد لجأ الى الكوخ ليحتمي فيه وكان الشحاذ يلبس هلاهيل ممزقة لا تكاد تستر جسمه فقال الملك لابد ان هذا الرجل قد وهب كل شيء الى بناته
لان اى رجل لا يمكن ان يصل الى هذا المصير البائس الا اذا كان والدا لبنات جاحدات
بعد ان هدأت العاصفة اصطحب النبيل المخلص ايرل كنت الملك لير الى قلعة دوفر وطلب من بعض الفرسان الذين مازالوا مخلصين للملك ويحتفظون بولائهم له ان يقوموا برعاية الملك بدلا منه لأنه سيقوم برحلة قصيرة
وأبحر ايرل كنت الى فرنسا حيث قابل الملكة كورديليا الابنة الصغرى للملك لير و التى تزوجها ملك فرنسا واخبرها بالمصير المؤلم والمؤسف الذى انتهى اليه والدها بسبب الجحود و المعاملة وعدم الاحترام و الإذلال الذى لاقاه الملك من اختيها
وطلبت الملكة كورديليا من زوجها ملك فرنسا ان يزودها بجيش كبير تذهب به الى بريطانيا لإسقاط حكم هاتين الاختين الجاحدتين فوافق الملك على إعداد وتجهيز الجيش المطلوب وأبحر الجيش ونزل الى شواطىء دوفر
فى ذلك الوقت كان الملك لير قد تمكن من الهرب من رقابة فرسان قلعة دوفر وانطلق يغدو فى الحقول المجاورة وهو فى حالة جنون مؤسفة كان يغنى بأعلى صوته اغانى لا معنى لها ويضع على رأسه تاجا من القش
وانطلق بعض جنود جيش كورديليا ليبحثوا عن الملك الى ان عثروا عليه وهو فى تلك الحالة المؤسية البائسة وكانت كورديليا مشتاقة الى رؤية والدها ولكن الأطباء منعوها من ذلك بسبب سوء حالته فوعدتهم بان تعطيهم كل ما تملكه من ذهب و مجوهرات اذا عالجوا اباها وأعادوه الى حالته الطبيعية
وبعد ان هدأت حالة الملك قليلا ذهبت كورديليا لمقابلته وتم لقاء حافل بالمشاعر بين الملك وابنته الوفية التى أخبرته بأنها جاءت لتعيد اليه حقوقه ..
فى تلك الأثناء كان الخلاف قد دب بين الاختين الجاحدتين جونريل وريجان ولان هاتين الاختين كانتا غير مخلصتين لابيهما فقد كانتا ايضا غير مخلصتين لزوجيهما ومن الغريب أنهما وقعتا فى حب دنيء لرجل واحد هو ادموند الابن الغير شرعي لايرل جلوسستر وكان هذا الابن قد استطاع ان يغتصب حكم جلوسستر من أخيه ادجار الوريث الشرعي لحكم المقاطعة وتلاحقت الأحداث بسرعة
مات دوق كورنول زوج الابنة ريجان التى أعلنت على الفور عزمها على الزواج من ادموند الذى كان على علاقة سابقة معها ومع اختها جونريل فى نفس الوقت ولذلك فقد حقدت جونريل على اختها وأعمتها الغيرة فدست لها السم وقتلتها
وعندما علم دوق البانى زوج جونريل بالجريمة التى ارتكبتها زوجته الشريرة امر بالقبض عليها وإعدامها وهكذا انتهت شرور هاتين الاختين الجاحدتين
أما الابنة الوفية كورديليا فقد انهزم جيشها فى حربه مع جيش ادموند الذى اسر كورديليا وأعدمها
ومات الملك لير حزنا على ابنته الوفية ومات بعده ايرل كنت الذى كان متنكرا فى هيئة الخادم كايوس حزنا على وفاة سيده وقتل ادموند فى مبارزة قامت بينه وبين ادجار الوريث الشرعي الذى استعاد حكم المقاطعة من الأخ المغتصب لها
وأصبح دوق البانى زوج جونريل ملكا على انجلترا
وهكذا انتهت حكاية الملك لير وبناته الثلاث
تفضلي أختي ترجمة النص من موقع جوجل لاني ما عندي ها الوقت اني أترجمها
أكيد في أغلاط لأنه موب كل مرة جوجل يعطي الترجمة 100 %
آخر مرة ترجمة موضوع عن الامارات وراس الخيمة عدلت ترجمته أول صفحتين بعدين مليت فمسحت ترجمته وترجمته بنفسي من كثر الأخطاء
فأكرر وارجو منك مراجعته
King Lear King of Britain. He had three daughters. Girls Region. Jonril married to the Duke of Albany. Central Reagan and the girl married to the Duke of Cornol. The small girl Cordelia were unmarried. And if he still refuses to provide each of the King of France, the Duke of Bergandi prosecutor those who were present Palace of King Lear when the events those play. King Lear-old at the time exceeded the eight years n … And he felt that the time had come to loosen the burdens of the rule of the kingdom it decided that divides Kingdom between the three daughters the complete The share of each of them, according to what the words for love for a father. Thus King Lear summoned three daughters and asked each of the Wa unit them to express the love for him. Because the girls were major Jonril a great deal of pain Kerr and cunning. And the ability to mincing words, said she loves him a including words fail to recipe and her father of her dearest and their freedom and their lives were impressed King Lear words I explained e major Vohpha she and her husband the Duke of Albany and third of his kingdom the girl Central Reagan no less than subtle and her sister generated Israeli incursion. The ability to speak, said that the refurbishing every creature comfort minimum do not compare happy that experienced because of the love her father. And he admired King Lear talk his daughter and wife Central Vohpha a Duke Cornol the second third of his kingdom and the coffee T. small Cordelia aware of the falsehood in the words of brother further, knowing that every one of them said her decorative e specious and the desire to get the biggest portion of the funds in August my. Therefore, I have chosen is that the love of her father quiet and sincere a At the same time, she loves her father, according to the master his duty as a daughter. Diluted King Lear when he heard those words from the son of dry Teh added. Cordelia was expected to be words of the daughter Alathi danger has more paper and the most beautiful expression of the words that he said elsewhere each of the two sisters and when King asked that refines alone Thea and choose other words gentle and beautiful she Cordele as a father who loves and Zacha and better breeding and science Ha obedience and honesty and are therefore not able to say such a Khtiha that they do not like anyone else in this world, because the meaning of so it would limit the father’s love alone will not approve the one-soo uh, if her husband and kids and that King Lear was Agouz a unfolding age have lost the ability to distinguish right Bi n sincere words coming from the heart and speak Alza P, which had spoken by the tongue have therefore think that his daughter Kuo Rdelia Ttkbr it Vep furious and decided that denies m n access to any part of the kingdom but gave third Albak j Kingdom divided between the sisters and Jonril implicated Duke Albany and Reagan and her husband the Duke of Cornol and collect all the murdered King the State who were minors and the waiver Tajh important for the two daughters of Central Africa and also gave them a all powers in the government to keep to himself, but Qubb King and the right to reside throughout his life for a month Balt Palace rotated in each of his two daughters and one hundred injured a Frsanh the gallant men and minors very surprised with the behavior of the King as such behavior and non – sensible, and much of the grieving Muse R. youngest daughter Cordelia, which was more credible than a Khtiha However, it has had to face the fate of ill. But none of these nobles could not opposed to the T. exchange King Flzoumoa silence was silent except for the word I noble Earl, which was more noble Faithful gather you have dared to pronounce some words in the interest of good Cordelia King then became angry and asked to keep silent, but his execution is not Ert Earl M. King dividers I threaten his good advice in a the king, who moved to anger and Earl was ordered expelled from the palace and his denial of the whole country, and gave him five days to leave Taking a stay in the Kingdom until the sixth day will be implemented itch M. penalty either Cordelia and now has only delivering Suha forcing Duke Bergandi hands on the request for marriage, but ml k France noticed the disposal of this kind with the daughter that her father a sincere, and the XXXXl Nafis good to have insisted on i the heart of hands to become his wife, thus becoming the queen of France Odaat Cordelia and her father and two sisters and I asked them to send the Na Rakhimtin signs and Tamellah treated well and Hk* a Cordelia deported to France, her heart full of sadness her father and the determination to do the part of the two sisters pain Khadagen and King Lear residence for the duration of the Palace son Teh major Jonril that resides in the month following the snip R. daughter Central Reagan then return to live in the Palace Jonri told for a month and so, but before the lapse of the first month judges of King Lear at the Palais his eldest daughter started discover the the huge difference between the bitter reality and false promises of TNT made the same daughter while the acceptance of the establishment of a the king in confining him and Frsanh cent has narrowed daughter Aljuhodh Frsanh its sections, but asked that the palace served j overlooked meet his demands and to demonstrate that the ear The noble Earl, I had decided to stay in Britain for dead invisible to remain in the service Malikah Fajla luxurious clothes and Art de clothes servants and arrogated to itself the new name and is Kaius he joined the service of King Lear to be near permanently Kayos fortunate that one accepts the behest of Jonrel itself may usage King got a free due respect So Ka Jos immediately hit the silent-Khadem put TR Ada and thus possesses Khadim Kayos At the same time, Earl K. Net stealthy confidence of King Lear and love and usually kings such a for a long time the king retains Pmehrg to make him laugh and was often this clown humor, making fun words to say where the folly of pain while you to the kingdom of two merger of two disbeliever Tin Finally, the moment came to understand where King Lear S section motivated mistreatment by the deal his daughter. It has announced Jonril very clearly and all are disgruntled that it does not afford a Baja, which has become Mchrva not afford Frsanh cent n Emlen Palace noise and did nothing but eat Alt the year also said that she could not bear the costs of all of these a the Knights and it is better for the King to all expelled and j Hatfez only some of them elderly bumped King Lear after S. with this talk obnoxious and felt how disloyal daughter Jonril he went Ilanha and calls God to deprive them of the birth Atva told or to produce a son Tthikha Cup humiliation to feel a tortured you revulsion parents of the children because disloyal fight where the son j why pain of his parents, the hardest of the Bite of a snake and the king Lear to leave the palace with him and his daughter Jonril Frsanh to go and living with his daughter Central Reagan sent a servant Kayos Press god is the daughter asking them to be prepared to receive him and But Jonril daughter sent another letter to her sister Peeking b only receive her father and all those Knights and the He was a servant who carries this letter is the same as a Custodian of the strike Kayos put to the ground, it doubted k IOS is in the messenger and this is the message carried and when are accidentally near the palace drew to Reagan e something violent insult and asked him to be, but the Ibarzh Custodian rejected dueling forced Kayos that expands beaten and ??? is this fracas, which happened between the prophet and messenger of a Jonril the king heard Reagan and her husband the Duke of Cornol Famra Kayos immediately arrest the Prophet King and intensity to the machine terrible torture When he arrived, King Lear and Frsanh Palace Reagan watched a servant Kayos wedded to a torture machine Mtla heart and fear and sadness when the interview I explained e servants and her husband told him that they would not be able Mataban m King met then became angry and furious shouts, cries of the J. seh express all of what was harbored Hwan and bitterness and finally Ja Out to greet his daughter Reagan, but it was carrying twisted sister Ha Jonril which had reached the Reagan incitement against her father Fursan cent against the association and therefore the heart of a crash for King Lear, flying admitted that when he saw his daughters Abaghtin Ttba Ryan cruelty and aroused and astonished, raising his arms to lean Tin threatened and Ana Suddenly, the sky darkened and the wind blew Flower and lightning and the sound of the voice of thunder on the horizon and then had the king Lear has admitted and announced that he wanted to go to face brother flying nature angry grounds that he has a better the survival under the same roof with two daughters and rushed outside and closed Alapentan door of the palace behind the storm is o Ona whenever incursion of King Lear in the road and intensified rainfall Almut R. and intensity of the gale winds extended land space either as if they were away the endless and the King scream in anger Mejn Wen loudest voice during flickers voices thunder and lightning and overlooks b of the wind that is becoming more and more land is to receive upon my into the sea or to make waves of the sea rise and shrill and even sinking land and topples including from the people wallow in a Tmahm lot of nice and not King Lear unit in the Tel k storm with him clown, which is a mockery of nature It is the King himself and asked him to return to his daughters Zlila to ask their forgiveness and the noble Earl was disguised P j Khadim Kayos body had left is also in the storm of differential w King on the old woman to save those storm tide once, when King was found at the height of shouting and madness e and Kayos tried in vain to persuade King to enter the hut P Qir to camp where the wrath of nature that before the King in a to end inside the hut and saw King Shehata was s poor d went to the hut of the camp where the beggar wearing Hlahi l torn barely hide his body, said King would have to present the man has donated everything to the daughters, as any man can hit this determination miserable unless the parents of the girls Jah Dutt calmed down after the storm His noble and sincere Earl I King Lear to Dover Castle and the request of some of the Knights those who are still loyal to the king and maintain loyalty to him do the auspices of King instead because he will cut the trip lira, Earl, I set sail to France, where he met Queen Cord Lilia’s youngest daughter of King Lear, who married King fled Nsa and told her destiny is painful and regrettable that ended in a Why her father because of ingratitude and treatment and lack of respect and the humiliation suffered by the King of two sisters and asked King e Cordelia to her husband, the King of France to provide it with Army Chief it goes to Britain to overthrow the rule of the two sisters Jahaddtin King started on the preparation and processing of the army Almut Lube and the army set sail, falling to the coast of Dover at the time King Lear was able to escape the watchful Knights Castle Dover and dashed comes in nearby fields, which in the case of c N. was unfortunate sing at the top of his voice, the songs are meaningless Wei Put crown on the head of hay and launched some army soldiers Kordi Leah, to see King found out that it is in such a the tragic situation was desperate and wanted the Cordelia j seeing her father, but the doctors prevented from doing so due to ill his Voaadthm that would give all she has a gold and Mjoh if handled saw her father and returned him to his natural After that the situation has calmed down a little, King went Cordelia Mega Belth was a meeting full of emotions between the King and his daughter Hello when told that it came to restore their rights. In the meantime the dispute has rejuvenated between sisters Aljah Detin Jonril and Reagan, because these two sisters – a sincere to their father, they were also not sincere to husband Ehma It is strange that they signed a sordid love of one man e Edmond and illegitimate son of Earl Glosster This was the son has been able to usurp the rule of his brother Glosster Adja R. legitimate successor to the rule of the province and the dizzying events b speed husband died Duke Cornol daughter Reagan announced p I immediately intention to marry Edmund, who was on the p the Aka earlier with her and her sister at the same time Jonril Thus, they you have Haqdt Jonril to her sister and benighted jealousy Vdst it poison and killed, when informed of the Duke of Albany husband Jonri for the crime committed by his wife evil is glory Bad and destroy Thus ended the two evils Alakhti n Aljahaddtin either loyal daughter Cordelia has Anez M. army in its war with the Army Edmond, captured Cordelia Wa needed, Matt King Lear saddened by the loyal daughter died b several Earl, I was masked in the Khadim Kayos grieving over the death of a woman killed in Edmond duel between the e – Edgar and the legitimate successor, which has regained a Amega obeyed the brother of a rapist and became the Duke of Albany husband Junor Il King of England and thus ended the story of King Lear, three daughters
ما شاء الله ترجمة طويلة عريضة يبالها ليالي وايام
King Lear King of Britain. He had three daughters. Girls Region. Jonril married to the Duke of Albany. Central Reagan and the girl married to the Duke of Cornol. The small girl Cordelia were unmarried. And if he still refuses to provide each of the King of France, the Duke of Bergandi prosecutor those who were present Palace of King Lear when the events those play. King Lear-old at the time exceeded the eight years n … And he felt that the time had come to loosen the burdens of the rule of the kingdom it decided that divides Kingdom between the three daughters the complete The share of each of them, according to what the words for love for a father. Thus King Lear summoned three daughters and asked each of the Wa unit them to express the love for him. Because the girls were major Jonril a great deal of pain Kerr and cunning. And the ability to mincing words, said she loves him a including words fail to recipe and her father of her dearest and their freedom and their lives were impressed King Lear words I explained e major Vohpha she and her husband the Duke of Albany and third of his kingdom the girl Central Reagan no less than subtle and her sister generated Israeli incursion. The ability to speak, said that the refurbishing every creature comfort minimum do not compare happy that experienced because of the love her father. And he admired King Lear talk his daughter and wife Central Vohpha a Duke Cornol the second third of his kingdom and the coffee T. small Cordelia aware of the falsehood in the words of brother further, knowing that every one of them said her decorative e specious and the desire to get the biggest portion of the funds in August my. Therefore, I have chosen is that the love of her father quiet and sincere a At the same time, she loves her father, according to the master his duty as a daughter. Diluted King Lear when he heard those words from the son of dry Teh added. Cordelia was expected to be words of the daughter Alathi danger has more paper and the most beautiful expression of the words that he said elsewhere each of the two sisters and when King asked that refines alone Thea and choose other words gentle and beautiful she Cordele as a father who loves and Zacha and better breeding and science Ha obedience and honesty and are therefore not able to say such a Khtiha that they do not like anyone else in this world, because the meaning of so it would limit the father’s love alone will not approve the one-soo uh, if her husband and kids and that King Lear was Agouz a unfolding age have lost the ability to distinguish right Bi n sincere words coming from the heart and speak Alza P, which had spoken by the tongue have therefore think that his daughter Kuo Rdelia Ttkbr it Vep furious and decided that denies m n access to any part of the kingdom but gave third Albak j Kingdom divided between the sisters and Jonril implicated Duke Albany and Reagan and her husband the Duke of Cornol and collect all the murdered King the State who were minors and the waiver Tajh important for the two daughters of Central Africa and also gave them a all powers in the government to keep to himself, but Qubb King and the right to reside throughout his life for a month Balt Palace rotated in each of his two daughters and one hundred injured a Frsanh the gallant men and minors very surprised with the behavior of the King as such behavior and non – sensible, and much of the grieving Muse R. youngest daughter Cordelia, which was more credible than a Khtiha However, it has had to face the fate of ill. But none of these nobles could not opposed to the T. exchange King Flzoumoa silence was silent except for the word I noble Earl, which was more noble Faithful gather you have dared to pronounce some words in the interest of good Cordelia King then became angry and asked to keep silent, but his execution is not Ert Earl M. King dividers I threaten his good advice in a the king, who moved to anger and Earl was ordered expelled from the palace and his denial of the whole country, and gave him five days to leave Taking a stay in the Kingdom until the sixth day will be implemented itch M. penalty either Cordelia and now has only delivering Suha forcing Duke Bergandi hands on the request for marriage, but ml k France noticed the disposal of this kind with the daughter that her father a sincere, and the XXXXl Nafis good to have insisted on i the heart of hands to become his wife, thus becoming the queen of France Odaat Cordelia and her father and two sisters and I asked them to send the Na Rakhimtin signs and Tamellah treated well and Hk* a Cordelia deported to France, her heart full of sadness her father and the determination to do the part of the two sisters pain Khadagen and King Lear residence for the duration of the Palace son Teh major Jonril that resides in the month following the snip R. daughter Central Reagan then return to live in the Palace Jonri told for a month and so, but before the lapse of the first month judges of King Lear at the Palais his eldest daughter started discover the the huge difference between the bitter reality and false promises of TNT made the same daughter while the acceptance of the establishment of a the king in confining him and Frsanh cent has narrowed daughter Aljuhodh Frsanh its sections, but asked that the palace served j overlooked meet his demands and to demonstrate that the ear The noble Earl, I had decided to stay in Britain for dead invisible to remain in the service Malikah Fajla luxurious clothes and Art de clothes servants and arrogated to itself the new name and is Kaius he joined the service of King Lear to be near permanently Kayos fortunate that one accepts the behest of Jonrel itself may usage King got a free due respect So Ka Jos immediately hit the silent-Khadem put TR Ada and thus possesses Khadim Kayos At the same time, Earl K. Net stealthy confidence of King Lear and love and usually kings such a for a long time the king retains Pmehrg to make him laugh and was often this clown humor, making fun words to say where the folly of pain while you to the kingdom of two merger of two disbeliever Tin Finally, the moment came to understand where King Lear S section motivated mistreatment by the deal his daughter. It has announced Jonril very clearly and all are disgruntled that it does not afford a Baja, which has become Mchrva not afford Frsanh cent n Emlen Palace noise and did nothing but eat Alt the year also said that she could not bear the costs of all of these a the Knights and it is better for the King to all expelled and j Hatfez only some of them elderly bumped King Lear after S. with this talk obnoxious and felt how disloyal daughter Jonril he went Ilanha and calls God to deprive them of the birth Atva told or to produce a son Tthikha Cup humiliation to feel a tortured you revulsion parents of the children because disloyal fight where the son j why pain of his parents, the hardest of the Bite of a snake and the king Lear to leave the palace with him and his daughter Jonril Frsanh to go and living with his daughter Central Reagan sent a servant Kayos Press god is the daughter asking them to be prepared to receive him and But Jonril daughter sent another letter to her sister Peeking b only receive her father and all those Knights and the He was a servant who carries this letter is the same as a Custodian of the strike Kayos put to the ground, it doubted k IOS is in the messenger and this is the message carried and when are accidentally near the palace drew to Reagan e something violent insult and asked him to be, but the Ibarzh Custodian rejected dueling forced Kayos that expands beaten and ??? is this fracas, which happened between the prophet and messenger of a Jonril the king heard Reagan and her husband the Duke of Cornol Famra Kayos immediately arrest the Prophet King and intensity to the machine terrible torture When he arrived, King Lear and Frsanh Palace Reagan watched a servant Kayos wedded to a torture machine Mtla heart and fear and sadness when the interview I explained e servants and her husband told him that they would not be able Mataban m King met then became angry and furious shouts, cries of the J. seh express all of what was harbored Hwan and bitterness and finally Ja Out to greet his daughter Reagan, but it was carrying twisted sister Ha Jonril which had reached the Reagan incitement against her father Fursan cent against the association and therefore the heart of a crash for King Lear, flying admitted that when he saw his daughters Abaghtin Ttba Ryan cruelty and aroused and astonished, raising his arms to lean Tin threatened and Ana Suddenly, the sky darkened and the wind blew Flower and lightning and the sound of the voice of thunder on the horizon and then had the king Lear has admitted and announced that he wanted to go to face brother flying nature angry grounds that he has a better the survival under the same roof with two daughters and rushed outside and closed Alapentan door of the palace behind the storm is o Ona whenever incursion of King Lear in the road and intensified rainfall Almut R. and intensity of the gale winds extended land space either as if they were away the endless and the King scream in anger Mejn Wen loudest voice during flickers voices thunder and lightning and overlooks b of the wind that is becoming more and more land is to receive upon my into the sea or to make waves of the sea rise and shrill and even sinking land and topples including from the people wallow in a Tmahm lot of nice and not King Lear unit in the Tel k storm with him clown, which is a mockery of nature It is the King himself and asked him to return to his daughters Zlila to ask their forgiveness and the noble Earl was disguised P j Khadim Kayos body had left is also in the storm of differential w King on the old woman to save those storm tide once, when King was found at the height of shouting and madness e and Kayos tried in vain to persuade King to enter the hut P Qir to camp where the wrath of nature that before the King in a to end inside the hut and saw King Shehata was s poor d went to the hut of the camp where the beggar wearing Hlahi l torn barely hide his body, said King would have to present the man has donated everything to the daughters, as any man can hit this determination miserable unless the parents of the girls Jah Dutt calmed down after the storm His noble and sincere Earl I King Lear to Dover Castle and the request of some of the Knights those who are still loyal to the king and maintain loyalty to him do the auspices of King instead because he will cut the trip lira, Earl, I set sail to France, where he met Queen Cord Lilia’s youngest daughter of King Lear, who married King fled Nsa and told her destiny is painful and regrettable that ended in a Why her father because of ingratitude and treatment and lack of respect and the humiliation suffered by the King of two sisters and asked King e Cordelia to her husband, the King of France to provide it with Army Chief it goes to Britain to overthrow the rule of the two sisters Jahaddtin King started on the preparation and processing of the army Almut Lube and the army set sail, falling to the coast of Dover at the time King Lear was able to escape the watchful Knights Castle Dover and dashed comes in nearby fields, which in the case of c N. was unfortunate sing at the top of his voice, the songs are meaningless Wei Put crown on the head of hay and launched some army soldiers Kordi Leah, to see King found out that it is in such a the tragic situation was desperate and wanted the Cordelia j seeing her father, but the doctors prevented from doing so due to ill his Voaadthm that would give all she has a gold and Mjoh if handled saw her father and returned him to his natural After that the situation has calmed down a little, King went Cordelia Mega Belth was a meeting full of emotions between the King and his daughter Hello when told that it came to restore their rights. In the meantime the dispute has rejuvenated between sisters Aljah Detin Jonril and Reagan, because these two sisters – a sincere to their father, they were also not sincere to husband Ehma It is strange that they signed a sordid love of one man e Edmond and illegitimate son of Earl Glosster This was the son has been able to usurp the rule of his brother Glosster Adja R. legitimate successor to the rule of the province and the dizzying events b speed husband died Duke Cornol daughter Reagan announced p I immediately intention to marry Edmund, who was on the p the Aka earlier with her and her sister at the same time Jonril Thus, they you have Haqdt Jonril to her sister and benighted jealousy Vdst it poison and killed, when informed of the Duke of Albany husband Jonri for the crime committed by his wife evil is glory Bad and destroy Thus ended the two evils Alakhti n Aljahaddtin either loyal daughter Cordelia has Anez M. army in its war with the Army Edmond, captured Cordelia Wa needed, Matt King Lear saddened by the loyal daughter died b several Earl, I was masked in the Khadim Kayos grieving over the death of a woman killed in Edmond duel between the e – Edgar and the legitimate successor, which has regained a Amega obeyed the brother of a rapist and became the Duke of Albany husband Junor Il King of England
ليش انا واحد وانتي اثنين عيال اتصلي بالهندي الي بالدكان خله يودي حقي 3 جلكجسي بخلي الدفتر يخلص والهندي يالس يسجل في الحساب
مشكورين يا خوان ع الترجمة . ما شاالله عليكم صدج يعتمد عليكم .
وانتي يا برنسيسة :
و انشاالله تتوفجين فشرحج يا برنسوسة