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مساعده 2024.

  • بواسطة

Choose any specific topic and use Microsoft PowerPoint 2024 to make Presentations as the following

1.Create presentation with at least 5 slides

2.Format each slide with the information about your topic,

3.First slide should contain the title of your topic; your name: your ID. and Date You should insert pictures; one table, and use the objects of the PowerPoint in the

5.Apply any design template from PowerPoint, or you can use your own design.

6. Make Master slide for you slides.

7.You should format the text inside the slides by using the properties of the fonts.

8. Add slide number for your slides and Write your name as a Footer in each slide.

9. Use animation for each slide as Slide Transition.

10.The first title of your presentation should have Custom animation, and the animation text should be by letter with sound

11. Use Custom Animation to make animations for each part of your slide.




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