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الرئيسية » An example of falsifying Information/ unethical common problems

An example of falsifying Information/ unethical common problems 2024.

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This is a real paradigm proves the absence of Information rights in some learning institutions in European countries. This issue occurred in my friend college, and here is a full story as he said

One of the students was assigned to write an essay in which he was to study some feature of the language of a "mini-culture."
He lives where there are very distinct culture and language groups within the larger population. He had cases and examples in his head already, just from growing up in that culture-rich environment. He needed to do no research in any source but his own memory. However, making research and rephrase the information with addition of reference is an important instruction of the essay. The student has a friend works as a web developer in a company; he requested assistance to help him in writing the essay. The friend agreed to help the student In order to preserve the friendship between them; he took the student` ideas and thought to add them in some websites. Depending on the friend` experience and his practicing of the computer and knowing lot of serious information which no body must know. The friend penetrated the websites which related to the essay topic and changed some private information to put student ideas and information instead of them, and then he surveyed all the evidences which indicate that he was the penetrative, In order to demonstrate that the student made some research and rewrote the website` information as required.
The teacher read the essay paper and he did not find any mistake in information and references. The checker reconsidered the paper and looked at the websites which mentioned in the essay; he found all the information in the websites are used correctly and according to the instructions. The teacher and checker agreed that student`s essay was perfect and he deserves to get an “A” in this essay in addition to publication the article among the students as an ideal model. The student and his friend were very pleased because their plan was succeeded ably and able to repeat their actions successfully without others knowledge and the student decided to follow this method to get high grades easily without effort or fatigue.

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