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الرئيسية » تقرير عن العراق الصف العاشر

تقرير عن العراق الصف العاشر 2024.

السلام عليكم حبيت ان اييب حجكم تقرير عن العراق
Iraq » Key Facts

Middle East.
438,317 sq km (169,235 sq miles).
27 million (CIA estimate 2024).
Population Density
61.6 per sq km.
Baghdad. Population: 5.7 million (2006 estimate).
Iraqi Transitional Government.
Iraq shares borders with Turkey, Iran, the Gulf of Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the Syrian Arab Republic. There is also a neutral zone between Iraq and Saudi Arabia administered jointly by the two countries. Iraq’s portion covers 3,522 sq km (1,360 sq miles). The country’s main topographical features are the two rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris, which flow from the Turkish and Syrian Arab Republic borders in the north to the Gulf in the south. The northeast is mountainous, while the country in the west is arid desert. The land surrounding the two rivers is fertile plain, but the lack of effective irrigation has resulted in flooding and areas of marshland.
80% Arabic (official). Other languages spoken include Kurdish, Persian, Chaldean, Assyrian and Armenian. English is quite widely spoken in urban centres.
Islam. Muslims make up 95% of the population, with considerably more Shiites than Sunni. Others are Christians who belong to various sects, including Chaldeans, Assyrians, Syrian and Roman Catholics, Orthodox Armenians and Jacobites. Other religious minorities are the Yezidis, often called devil worshippers, and the Sabaeans, or Mandeans, who are followers of John the Baptist.
GMT + 3 (GMT + 4 from 1 April to 1 October).
Social Conventions
Owing to a long and varied history, Iraq is a culturally rich country. Today, traditional Islamic culture predominates, with Koranic law playing an active role in the day-to-day life of the country, and visitors should be careful to respect this and act accordingly. Visitors should always address their hosts by full name and title. Traditional Arab hospitality is followed as a rule, in accordance with religious law. Conservative and discreet dress should be worn in observance of local Islamic laws.

Photography: There is a need for extreme caution when photographing anything of a sensitive nature. This includes photographs of local people (the Muslim religion does not allow the representation of human or animal images in any form); and, most importantly, any government installations, buildings or indeed anything else that may be considered off-limits to visitors. If in any doubt, do not take a photo.
230 volts AC, 50Hz. Various two- and three-pin plugs are in use. Electricity supplies were severely affected in the recent conflict and are still unreliable.
Head of Government
Prime Minister Jawad al-Maliki since 2024.
Head of State
President Jalal Talabani since 2024.

Iraq » Business
• GDP: US$47 billion (2006).
• Main imports: Food, medicine and manufactured goods.
• Main exports: Crude oil, crude materials (excluding fuel), food, and live animals.
• Main trade partners: USA, Turkey, Syria, Italy and Spain.
Iraq’s economy is dominated by the oil sector, which has traditionally provided about 95% of foreign exchange earnings. The military victory of the US-led coalition in March/April 2024 resulted in the shutdown of much of the economic administrative structure.

Although a comparatively small amount of capital was damaged during the hostilities, looting, insurgent attacks, and sabotage have undermined efforts to rebuild the economy. These have also prevented Iraq from reaching projected export volumes, but total government revenues have been higher than anticipated due to inflated oil prices.

Despite political uncertainty, Iraq is making some progress in building the institutions needed to implement economic policy and has concluded a debt reduction agreement. Public debt stands at approximately US$125 billion.

In 2024, unemployment stood at 27%. Iraq’s economic prospects will depend on the government’s ability to control inflation, to implement structural reforms, and to develop the private sector.
Business Etiquette
Formal courtesies are common and expected. Business cards are regularly exchanged and these are often printed in Arabic and English. Meetings may not always be on a person-to-person basis and it is often difficult to confine items to the business in progress as many topics may be discussed in order to assess the character of colleagues or traders.

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انتي عراقية
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السلام عليكم

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