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الرئيسية » ساعدوني اريد نموذج امتحانات الانجليزي لصف الثامن بليز الصف 8

ساعدوني اريد نموذج امتحانات الانجليزي لصف الثامن بليز الصف 8 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة
اعضاء منتدانا الغالي خوان شما طلبتكم ولاتردوني
دخيلكم اريد نموذج امتحانات انجليزي للصف الثامن
وبسرعة بليز وادري انكم مابتخذلاوني انشاءالله

واريد اشوف ردووودكم خليجية

خليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةخليجيةمين ردودكم لاحراااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااا ااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااااام
لو سمحتو أريد نموذج عن مادتين الأنجليزيه و رياضيات

السلام عليكم هاي بعض أوراق مراجعة لمادة اللغة الانجليزية ……وان شاء الله تعجبكم

Training Material for Taraining
on First Term English Exam for Grade 8

Model one
Model 1 Listening (Grade 8)
Listen to the following conversation and answer the questions:
Doctor: What’s wrong, Ali?
Ali: I don’t feel well. I was shivering and sneezing at school,
and I felt very hot. Mr. Samir sent me home.
Doctor: Ok. Let me see your tongue. Now temperature.
Ali’s mother: What’s the problem , doctor?
Doctor: He’s got a cold, but not a very bad one. He’ll be well in a day or two.
Ali’s mother: Any instructions, Doctor?
Doctor: Here’s the medicine, madam. Give it to him three times a day after
meals. He should drink lots of water and juice. It’s better to stay in bed.
Ali: When can I go back to school?
Doctor: Not, before Saturday. I’ll see you again on Saturday. By Ali.
Ali: Thank you, doctor.
A) Complete:
1- Ali was at _________ when he felt very hot.
2- Ali has got a __________.
3- Ali should drink a lot of ___________ and ____________.
4- Ali can go back to school on _____________.
B) Put ( T or F )
1- Ali feels very well. ( )
2- Ali should stay in bed. ( )
3- He shouldn’t drink water and juice. ( )
4- Ali has got a very bad cold. ( )
5- Ali will get better in two days. ( )

C) Write from what you have heard the opposite of :
cold x ___________ ill x __________
good x ___________ right x __________
D) Give an advice to Ali:
G) Fill in the table:
patient’s name illness instructions next visit

G) Choose the correct answer:
1- The conversation talks about ____________ ( food – health – space )
2- The speakers are Ali, doctor and _____________
( Ali’s mother – Ali’s father – Ali’s sister )
3- The speakers are at ____________( hospital – Ali’s home – street )
4- Ali is ___________ ( ill – excited – glad )
5- Ali’s mother is _____________ ( happy – worried – tired )
6- Ali is a _____________ ( doctor – dentist – patient )
Read and Match:
1- You should————- ( ) Sympathy
2- Why not————– ( ) greetings
3- Hello ! How are you? ( ) advice
4- I’m sorry ( ) suggestion
Do as shown between brackets:

1- I’d love playing football.
You: ________________________________ ( agree )

2- You and your friend want to go swimming.
You: __________________________________ (suggestion )
Omar: ________________________________ ( agree )
Ali: ___________________________________ ( disagree )

6- Your friend exercise before going to be .
Your friend: I can’t sleep well.
You: ______________________________ ( advice )
1- What would you say when someone thanks you?
You: _______________________________________

2- What would you say when you meet someone?

Reading – Grade 8th
Read the following passage then answer the questions below:
Some people have the bad habit of smoking. They say that smoking helps them to think and forget their problems. They also say that they can’t stop it
Everyone who smokes should be asked to stop this bad habit. Smoking is very harmful to health. Doctors say that there is a strong relation between smoking and many diseases. They say that it causes heart and chest diseases. It also causes cancer.
It also costs money and destroys health. Fore example, most of fires happen as a result of smoking. It is therefore, good for smokers to stop this bad habit immediately.
Read and answer the questions :
1- Why do people think that smoking can help them?
2- What harmful does smoking cause?
3- Why is it good for smokers to stop this habit?
Choose the best way to complete the statements 1 – 2 or 3:
a- In the first paragraph, we learnt that people smoke because
1) They think smoking is useful for health.
2) They think smoking helps them get happy and relaxed.
3) They think smoking make them able to forget problems.
b- In the second paragraph , doctors advise to stop smoking because
1) There’s a strong relation between smoking and death.
2) There’s a weak relation between smoking and many diseases.
3) There’s a strong relation between smoking and relaxation.
Are the following sentences True or False:
1) Smoking is very harmful for health. ( )
2) Doctors advise smokers to go on smoking. ( )
3) Smoking can cause fire. ( )
Give from the XXXX an example on:
■ Verb ————- ■ noun ——————
■ Adjective ————- ■ preposition ——————
■ Conjunction ————- ■ pronoun ——————
Put a suitable title to the passage:


Find the opposites of these words in the XXXX:
■ remember x ————— ■ useful x ————-
■ continue x ————— ■ weak x ————-

Give the same meaning from the passage:

■ assist ————– ■ powerful ————-
■ troubles ————– ■ take place ————-

The underlines pronouns refer to:

a- “they” in line "1" _____________ b- it “in line " 2 " _____________
c- " They” in line “5"_____________

Read the passage and fill in the table:

advice Result Habit

Use each of the following word in a sentence:
1- ill __________________________________________
2- advice __________________________________________
3- mustn’t __________________________________________
4- money __________________________________________

B add words to the following networks:

C ) Match the following words with their meanings:
– at the moment ( ) a doctor who cares for teeth.
– speak up ( ) discovery
– weekend ( ) now
– twice ( ) raise voice
– exploration ( ) the end of the week
– dentist ( ) two times
D) Match the following words with their opposites:
– accept ( ) serious
– False ( ) weakness
– joking ( ) free
– strength ( ) danger
– natural ( ) true
– safety ( ) refuse
– busy ( ) artificial
Vocabulary and Structure – Grade 8th
Choose the right form between brackets:
1- Ali often ( travel – travels – is traveling ) to Cairo.
2- The number of population ( rises – is rising – are rising ) quickly in China.
3- People ( didn’t use – didn’t used – not used ) to sing rock music as they worked.
4- I ( have already called – have called already – already have called ) my sister.
5- Soha ( is following – has followed – has been following ) the doctor’s advice recently.
6- What about ( walk – walking – walked ) for an hour every day?
7- Why not ( study – studying – studied ) for the exam?
8- This isn’t your book. It’s (me – my – mine).
9- Salwa (was reading – is reading – read) an hour ago.
10- When the temperature falls to ( 0 C), water (changed – changes – is changing) into ice.
11- We visited our uncle after we ( finished – have finished – had finished) our job.
12- Mona was sleeping when her friend ( come – comes – came)
Correct the mistakes:
1- He is use the phone at the moment. ( ————– )
2- He sends often emails to friends. ( ————– )
3- We must stay on contact. Call me again. ( ————– )
4- The pizza taste delicious. ( ————– )
5- The Arab coffee smelling wonderful. ( ————– )
6- Amy used to making cakes at parties. ( ————– )
7- She didn’t used to clean her hands after eating meals. ( ————– )
8- She hasn’t eat her lunch yet. ( ————– )
9- Ali have finished his homework already. (————— )
10- They have lived in the USA for 1998. ( ————– )
Do as shown between brackets:
1- The weather forecasters get lots of information from satellites. (Make question)
__________________________________________________ ____________?
2- We already (finish) our homework. ____________ (Correct the verb )
3- Nada used to ate a lot of sweets. _____________ (correct the mistake)
4- I watched a film yesterday. (Add a suitable adjective)
__________________________________________________ ____________.
5- Ahmed did his homework. He went out.( Join the two sentences with "after ")
__________________________________________________ ____________.
■ Write about two things that you could do in the past:
__________________________________________________ ____________
__________________________________________________ ____________
■ Write about two or three things that you always do :
__________________________________________________ ______________
__________________________________________________ ______________
__________________________________________________ ______________

Fill in the space:

1- If you go on the ___________, you find a lot of information.
2- Wash your face and brush your teeth in the ____________.
3- ___________ is made from ground meat, tomatoes and onions.
4- Farid El Atrash was a great __________. He played the ‘oud very well.
5- The __________ music came from the ancient Arabic poetry.
Odd one out :
► XXXXXXXXaries – cartoons – mobiles – the news
► drum – ‘oud – religion – guitar
► music – language – customs – pizza
► guitarist – librarian – art – electrician
► murmurs – rattling – moans – hum
► The sun – earth – Mars – Jupiter
► mushrooms – eggplant – pepper – pineapple
► proteins – garlic – fats – carbohydrates
► Coin – note – money – wallet
► windy – snowy – cloudy – sun
► embarrassed – upset – pleased – situation
Match pairs of word from ( A ) with ( B ):

1- fore ( ) plant 1- window ( ) bee
2- volley ( ) craft 2- honey ( ) pane
3- egg ( ) cast 3- week ( ) storm
4- space ( ) ball 4- snow ( ) end

Complete the network:

Write the Dates :
06/08 ——————
05/09 ——————
01/10 —————

1- guitar – tablah – Farid Al Atrash – Oum Kalthom – jazz – folk – classical – Abed Al Haleem – ‘oud – Asmahan – lute – pop
singers Musical instruments Types of music

Fill in with a suitable word :
{Firstly – Then –After that – Secondly –Next – Finally}
Cleaning water is an important process .In order to do this you need a large plastic bottle, an empty bowel, small stones, gravel, sand and polluted water. —————, cut off the bottom of the bottle. —————–, wash the stones, gravel and sand. ————— turn the bottle upside down. ——————- Pour the dirty water. —————–, collect the clean water.
Complete the missing parts :

Answer the following question to make an e-mail :
1- What is your name?
2- How old are you?
3- Where do you live?
4- Where do you study?
5- What grade are you in?
6- What is your favorite school subject?
7- What is your favourite sport?

Punctuate the following sentences :
1- you mustnt waste your time ali
2- how a bout going to the sea
Put the following sentences in order to form a paragraph about living with modern communications:
• because they are expensive and no body can have them..
• There are a lot of good things of modern communications.
• For example, we can use the mobile and the internet for communication.
• Modern communications are very important in our life.
• However, there are bad things of them.
Write a short description a bout what you do every day.



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