بليز الله يخليكم ساعدوني في حل الواجب وياي
لأني والله تعبت وانا ادور معلومات فالنت و مب محصله وايد
و بكوون شاكره لكم واااااااااااااايد
Give a brief description of the historical development of the UAE society (1 page), the nature of UAE society (2 pages) and how it has evolved and changed in the last 15-20 years (3 pages). Briefly describe the main social issues in this country and your role as a “change agent” (1 page), the role of parents (1 page), the role of teachers (1 page), the role of the government (1 page), and the role of foreigners (1 page) in shaping a society that becomes a model for the rest of the region/world. What are some of the most important steps the country could take in order to preserve its social and cultural values (1 page)? In the end, add 1 page more on your critical or evaluative comments (discussion) and also add references at the end.
Note: Feel free to read any materials you like (including books in Arabic), visit the website, talk to your parents, grandparents, teachers, elders, etc. to get ideas! You MAY also do student surveys for how they feel about this issue.
هذي هيه الاسئلة
لو تعرفون ساعدوني و لا تبخلون عليه